Clayton Christensen’s Disruptive Innovation Framework

Clayton Christensen’s Disruptive Innovation Framework

Clayton Christensen’s disruptive innovation framework

The disruptive innovation theory is an encouragenment for every startup founder that have ever felt powerless against the global leaders in your industry i.e. the Incumbents. At the same it is an awakening for the very same incumbents who think they are "too big to fail".

In this blog post, we will briefly be discussing Clayton Christensen’s disruptive innovation framework. This is an important topic for business owners and entrepreneurs, as it can help them understand how to create successful businesses. Christensen is a well-known expert on disruptive innovation, and his framework has been used by many companies around the world. In this article, we will take a closer look at his framework and discuss how you can apply it to your own business.

A process whereby a smaller company with fewer resources is able to successfully challenge established incumbents in a market by introducing a new product or service that is simpler, more affordable and more accessible than what is currently available.”

What is Disruptive Innovation?

Disruptive innovation is a term that was coined by Clayton Christensen in his book, “The Innovator’s Dilemma.” It refers to a new product or service that creates a new market and eventually displaces established competitors. Christensen defines disruptive innovation as follows:

“A process whereby a smaller company with fewer resources is able to successfully challenge established incumbents in a market by introducing a new product or service that is simpler, more affordable and more accessible than what is currently available.”

This definition is important to understand, as it highlights the key characteristics of disruptive innovation. First, it must be something new – it can’t just be an incremental improvement on existing products. Second, it must be simpler and more affordable than what is currently available. And third, it must be accessible to a wider audience.

How Did Clayton Christensen Build the Framework?

Clayton Christensen’s framework for disruptive innovation is based on his own research and experience as an entrepreneur. He first began to explore this topic in the early 1990s, when he was working on a case study of two companies that were experiencing disruptive innovation. This research eventually led to the publication of “The Innovator’s Dilemma” in 1997.

In the book, Christensen outlines his framework for disruptive innovation and provides case studies of how it has been used by various companies. He also offers advice for business owners on how to deal with disruptive innovation. The book has been widely praised and has been translated into over 20 languages. Since then, Christensen has continued to research and write about disruptive innovation. He has also taught a course on the subject at Harvard Business School.

How Can You Apply the Framework?

Now that you understand what disruptive innovation is and how Clayton Christensen built the framework, let’s discuss how you can apply it to your own business.

The first step is to identify whether your company is experiencing disruptive innovation. This can be done by looking at the key characteristics of disruptive innovation outlined earlier. If your company meets these criteria, then you need to start thinking about how to respond.

The second step is to understand the dynamics of disruptive innovation. This includes understanding the stages that a disruptive innovation goes through as it disrupts the market. It also includes understanding how incumbents and new entrants behave in this situation.

The third step is to develop a strategy for dealing with disruptive innovation. This involves creating a plan for how your company can respond to the challenge posed by the new entrant. It should include a strategy for defending your market share and preserving your profits.

The fourth step is to execute the plan. This involves putting the plan into action and making sure that it is carried out effectively.

If you’re looking for more information on Clayton Christensen’s disruptive innovation framework, check out his book, “The Innovator’s Dilemma.” It provides a more in-depth explanation of the theory and how you can apply it to your own business.

Are there any examples of famous companies using disruptive innovation?

Yes, there are several examples of famous companies using disruptive innovation. One of the most well-known cases is Apple, which disrupted the PC industry with its introduction of the iPhone in 2007. The iPhone was a new type of product that was simpler and more affordable than what was available at the time. It also appealed to a wider audience, as it was more user-friendly than existing smartphones.

Other examples of companies that have used disruptive innovation include Netflix, which disrupted the TV industry, and Uber, which disrupted the taxi industry. Disruptive innovation is a powerful tool that can be used to transform entire industries. If you’re looking to make a change in your industry, then you should consider using it.

What are some of the risks associated with disruptive innovation?

There are a few risks associated with disruptive innovation. First, it can be difficult to predict which products or services will be successful. This means that there is a risk of investing in a new product or service that fails to take off. Second, disruptive innovation can be disruptive to existing businesses. This means that incumbents may not be willing to work with you or may try to shut you down. Finally, it can be difficult to scale a disruptive innovation up to a larger business. This means that there is a risk of running out of steam before reaching the mainstream market.

These are some of the risks associated with disruptive innovation. However, there are also a number of ways to mitigate these risks. One way is to partner with an existing business that can help you reach the mainstream market. Another way is to use crowdfunding to finance your project. This can help reduce the risk of running out of money before reaching the mainstream market.

Disruptive innovation is a powerful tool that can be used to transform entire industries. If you’re looking to make a change in your industry, then you should consider using it. However, there are also a number of risks associated with disruptive innovation, which you need to be aware of. By understanding these risks and taking steps to mitigate them, you can increase your chances of success.


Clayton Christensen’s disruptive innovation framework is a powerful tool that can be used to transform entire industries. If you’re looking to make a change in your industry, then you should consider using it. However, there are also a number of risks associated with disruptive innovation, which you need to be aware of.

By understanding these risks and taking steps to mitigate them, you can increase your chances of success.

If you’re looking for more information on Clayton Christensen’s disruptive innovation framework, check out his book, “The Innovator’s Dilemma.” It provides a more in-depth explanation of the theory and how you can apply it to your own business.

Søren Baumann

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Explorer

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